0Noiembrie 2014:
Participarea la campania foto „Toti copiii sunt copii” realizata de „Asociatia Umanitara Marta Maria”, impreuna cu copiii sustinuti de Asociatia „Vreau si eu sa merg” si voluntari ai Asociatiei „Vreau si eu sa merg”. Vezi campania foto aici.
Participarea la continuarea campaniei „Toti copiii sunt copii” realizata de Asociatia Umanitara Marta Maria. Vezi film campanie aici.
Insomnia may be the primary problem, or it may be associated with other conditions. Chronic insomnia
effective insomnia remedy is usually a result of stress, life events or habits that disrupt sleep. Treating the underlying cause can resolve the insomnia, but sometimes it can last for years. Chronic insomnia may also be associated with medical conditions or the use of certain drugs. Treating the medical condition may help improve sleep, but the insomnia may persist after the medical condition improves.